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首页>学习资料>日常英语>There you go到底该怎么用?

There you go到底该怎么用?

来源:本站原创发布时间:2017-12-27 17:15:05



看美剧的时候我们会发现,老外经常把There you go这个句子挂在嘴边。到底这个句子有什么含义,可以用在哪些场合呢?我们不妨看几组对话来好好揣摩一下。

There you go到底该怎么用?.jpg

Conversation 1

A: I’ll take this shirt. How much is it?

B: 10 dollars, madam.

A: Ok, there you go.

B: Thank you. Here is the change.

这是发生在店员与顾客之间的对话。顾客在付款的时候说了there you go,表示“给你”。同样的,如果店员拿东西给顾客,也可以说there you go。这里的There you go 就相当于Here you are。

Conversation 2

A: Long time no see. How is it going, Jenny?

B: No bad.

A: Oh, I heard you are moving! Is that true?

B: Yes, I’m moving to California next month.

A: Why?

B: I just couldn’t stand the climate. There you go. It was just too cold!

There you go还可以用于给出信息或原因,比如上面的例句,离开多伦多的原因是因为气候太冷,there you go。说话的人给出了理由 there you go,意思类似“就这么回事儿”。 

Conversation 3

A: Your new smartphone?

B: Yes, I bought it yesterday.

A: Wow, fantastic! 

B: I still don’t know how to use it to send a message.

A: Let me show you. Just press… here. There you go. Easy.

对话中一人在给另一人做示范,这个时候说there you go,相当于“就像这样”。

Conversation 4 

A: Helen, how about your cake now?

B: Mom,what should I do next after putting in the powder.

A: Keep stirring. Don’t stop. There you go… This cake is going to be delicious!

B: Well, I hope so.

There you go 还用来鼓励、赞扬别人好的表现。相当于“这就对了。/太棒了!”

Conversation 5

A: Where did you go, Peter? It’s 7pm. now?

B: I went to Mike’s house.

A: Don’t stay out late after school. I’ve told you!

B: There you go again. Mike was helping me with my homework.


以上是一线口语为大家总结的there you go的5种用法。大家有没有正确get到呢?


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